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"Tong jing - Ma ling" train station

Source:Home stationRelease:07-27 2024 21:44:44

1470 0

Importance during the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese in the stone, is today we been in hainan, a large number of mining the rich iron ore, stone importance iron ore is one of the most famous rich iron ore in China, the use of the railway transit from western hainan ChangJiang shipped to the southern port of shnya, reoccupy the ship back to Japan for smelting iron and steel, the guns. This railway is the proof that Japan takes the mountain and steals my resources. After the victory of Anti-Japanese War, the railway become the only southern hainan island is one of the main transportation trunk line, made the indelible contribution for the construction of hainan island, the railway has been a history of more than 70 years.

