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Love vows stone

Source:Home stationRelease:07-27 2024 21:07:04

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In the place of tianyi, heaven, earth, sea, mountain, sun, moon, star, eternal rock, guardian heart, heaven and earth, stars witness. On November 6, 2008, the Olympic gymnastics champion Yang wei and Yang yun of the Beijing Olympic Games held a sensational national and world-renowned romantic wedding. Everyone followed me, looking at the side of the square, standing two stone carvings, the "love" on the left, and the love declaration of Yang's Yang yun on the right, "the end of the earth, the love and the old." These stone carvings love stars around the middle of the square of the ends of the earth, and the heart of the ocean "love stone", is "moon and stars, hand in photograph reflect, tianya, both a lifetime", and "sea life bright moon, tianya" at this time.

         "To accompany you to the ends of the earth, love you to the sky and the earth", the annual tianya.haijiao international wedding festival, attracted numerous lovers. For the beginning of a new life, for a promise eternal love, to a never forgets, they come together, come to the beauty of the ends of the earth - China's most romantic place wedding, deducing the affection on the ends of the world together, both a lifetime of love and moving love story. On December 12, the international wedding festival of tianyi haijiao attracts a large number of Chinese and foreign couples.
